Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Advice for the bride

I went to a bridal shower on Sunday - and one of the requirements was to give the bride some advice for a good marriage. What a loaded question! How on earth can I give advice on a how to have a good marriage when each day the requirements change.
On friday night, for example, the requirement was to go through our 2 foot stack of papers in the in box and do any of the following - file/shred/throw. I told my husband - it's very sexy when you file! So - note to bride - keep up on your paperwork...not so romantic.
Then saturday, the requirement was for me to give my husband time to write a eulogy for his grandfather that he was never that close with. So I wrangled the kids, as best I could, and hoped the creative juices would flow for hubbie. Note to bride - allow for quiet moments to get stuff done! Again, not hitting the mark.
What about a good argument? For me, I like a good argument every once in awhile...to get everything out, vent, and get mad. My hubbie and me have had some good arguments and have always reached the bright side...eventually...and we have gone to bed mad, so I can't write that one down. So the note, Have a good fight every once in awhile, just won't dol.
Sunday morning, though, I think we hit the mark...we made some good advice! Laugh together. Find the funny things and just have a good time. I can't even remember the exact circumstances, but I do recall a lot of laughing by everyone and that's really when I feel so connected to my hubbie. It's those moments that make the filing, the arguing, the tasks that we don't really want to do...doable.
So my advice to the bride was simply that: Laugh together. Any advice you have for keeping a marriage strong?

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