Monday, June 2, 2008

Taking Action

I think about me and my life, and the kids, and my husband, and basically my little life too much! Today, it hit me that there is too much going on outside of our cozy life, or the worries I create, that if I just put some energy on that, then I'd probably think less, worry less, let go more, etc. That's my thought anyway!

This came about as I was at physical therapy this morning and realized that even though I'm in constant pain (just wrote that so you feel a little sad for me!) my life could be a whole lot harder, more complicated, etc. And instead of just dwelling on what's not working, I need to focus on something outside of just me and my family.

So, here's a couple of thoughts. First...I really need to get a new job! I know, that's still thinking about me...but here's the logic. For those of you who chat with me, you know I'm not enjoying my work at all. So I really need to step up and start looking for a new job. I'm scared...I start thinking about money, working outside of the home, that I'd have to shower every day and wear something other than sweatpants, what job would I do, etc. But, the scaredness I'm feeling has to outweigh this feeling I have now of really starting to hate my job. So for any of you out there who can help me get a job - I basically want to make a difference! Figure that one out.

Second - I need to start volunteering. That will definitely get me out of just focusing on my immediate family and our issues. So, I'm not sure what yet, but have found some ideas. At least I'm taking some action.

It's all about action again - I'm finally doing some things to move forward, versus just doing the same thing over and over again in the hopes that something will change - isn't that the definition of crazy!

Wish me luck...and for any of you out there that have been thinking about something for awhile...what would it take for you to take a tiny step towards doing it? Good luck.

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