Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One less task a day

Do you ever wonder how we fit in all the tasks that need to be done in one single day? I've decided not to think about it anymore - I'm going to give that saying, ignorance is bliss, a shot! I don't want to get more organized (papers on top of the fridge will just have to stay...and those random photo booth shots from the Village tap taken years ago), I don't want to go through the basement and clean it out (although looking at the maternity clothes I wore and thinking they weren't so bad was kind of fun...patterns and pregnancy don't mix!), I don't want to plan out my dinners (even though I know it's easier), I don't want to enforce bed times (I know, I should), I don't want to pick up pieces of food from the floor, the couch, the bed, and on and on! I would love everything to just be handled - I need a Mary Poppins to come in and sing a song and make everything magically clean and in it's proper place.

Don't worry, I'm not about to run out of the house naked screaming, I can't take it anymore! I won't even run naked in the house (that's a little too real for our nanny!). I actually am excited to give up being in control of everything. To know that all will work out...what a sigh of relief. I can actually feel the weight leaving my back.

We'll see how long this lasts! And for all you out there reading, do one less task - as long as it's not really important - like filling up the gas tank, or brushing your teeth (for some reason, dental hygiene just came into my mind...need to make a dentist appt.). I think it might be fun!

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