Thursday, March 27, 2008

Go ahead, pick your nose

Do you - moms - ever feel like a lot of what we do is reminding your kids what they can't do? No, honey, we don't lick chocolate syrup and ice cream off the floor, no, not even with the 5 second rule; yes, I know your sister just pummeled you to the ground, but you can't do it back; wash your hands; don't pick your nose; did you say please; it's time for bed; no more tv...and on and on! For me, sometimes it feels like I'm expecting my kids to be super kids, without ever making a mistake...and if they do, say pick their nose, I'm right there to tell them ooh, yucky, we don't do that.

Here's the thing....I make mistakes quite a bit and would go mad if someone was right there to tell me what I just did wrong. What if I want to veg out in front of the tv and someone shows up, right before the show is over and decides I've watched too much and turns it off! Or when I just can't be bothered to wash my hands...I know I's not difficult, but there's times when I just don't want to turn the faucet on, put the soap on, rub the soap around (I heard somewhere for at least 20 seconds!), dry my hands...and as I walk out of the bathroom, someone asks, did I wash my hands? Go back in and wash those hands clean!

So for me it's all about living in the present moment. When I let my ego take charge, it tends to want a perfect little world when everything is in order. But life isn't that way. And maybe, just maybe, when I see a little hand going up to that little nose for a good pick, no matter how gross it is, I'll let them have their pick (I mean, really there are only a few years when nose-picking is even somewhat acceptable anyway). After all, we can't be perfect all the time - how boring!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

I agree with you, Kristen. Sometimes we just have to look the other way for a minute and pretend not to notice these little things. I will sometimes realize I've just fired off a whole series of criticisms and take a moment to give a whole lot of positive feedback, noticing what they're doing right and thanking them. They try so hard and as you said, even we adults screw up sometimes - or a lot of the time! ;-)